Henry chain smoker, consuming at least five packs a day.
亨利烟瘾很重, 每天最少吸五包.
——期刊摘选Tom is a chain smoker, consuming at least five packs a day.
汤姆是个大烟鬼, 每天要抽5包的烟.
互联网Henry is a chain smoker, smoking at least five packs a day.
亨利烟瘾很大, 每天最少吸五包.
辞典例句After twenty years as a chain smoker Mr Nathe has given up the habit.
柯林斯例句Eg. He is no smoker, but his father is a chain - smoker.
他不抽烟, 但他爸爸却一支又一支不停地抽.
互联网Interviewer : You wouldn't describe him as a chain - smoker.
互联网Harry is a chain - smoker, smoking almost two packs of cigarettes each day.
哈里是个烟鬼, 每天差不多要抽两包烟.
互联网He is no smoker, but his father is a chain smoker.
他不吸烟, 但是他的爸爸烟瘾很大.
互联网The actor is a chain smoker.
互联网He is no smoker, but his father is a chain - smoker.
他倒是不抽烟, 但他的爸爸却一支接一支地抽(是个老烟枪).
互联网He is no smoker, but his father is chain smoker.
他倒是不抽烟的, 可他爸爸却一支接一支不停地抽.
互联网Joe is a chain - smoker, smoking at least 3 packs each day.
乔烟瘾很大, 每天至少抽三包烟.
互联网I am a chain smoker.
互联网I'm a chain smoker.
互联网It's hard for a chain - smoker leave off smoking.
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